Production Design , Actor Blocking , Shot Lists This is Lesson Two from the 5 Month Film CoursePlease note the following Lessons will be delivered weekly on your Film Course InterfaceWe do not overload you with content. Instead each Lesson will bring you a result. Therefore the full 40 Lessons will be delivered over the next five months from Time of Enrolment Please watch twice , first time just watch, second time take notes Please complete the Weekly Actions before Lesson Three This is needed to achieve your goals You will be contacted this week for your first conversation either via Zoom or What’s App. Please allow a few days for this call This conversation will be to set goals and get your film production on the way. Please start with Two now Lesson Three and Four Delivered 7 Days from now. This is where you will work on your 10 Page Screenplay. Please Watch Lesson Two - 45 Minutes